We run regular waves of research with teachers and their employers

The Teachers’ Pension Scheme (TPS) is a statutory Defined Benefit public sector pension scheme. In 2013 Teachers’ Pensions invited Chrysalis Research to organise and facilitate quarterly discussion groups with members and employers. Prior to this, Teachers’ Pensions had managed them in-house basis but turned to us to ensure the discussions were independent, open and constructive.

Each wave comprises discussion groups with teachers – members of the TPS – and employers, including local authorities, FE colleges, academies and independent schools. Reporting quarterly on issues such as communications to schools and to teachers, updates to the website, and ad-hoc issues, TPS services and members’ experience of the scheme allows Teachers’ Pensions to monitor the experience of members and teachers, gives an ongoing insight into the quality of service, and an opportunity to test new innovations.

I would not hesitate in recommending Chrysalis Research.
— Jennie Connolly: Engagement Manager, Teachers' Pensions

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