Gloucestershire Road Safety Partnership.png

In September 2016, the Gloucestershire Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) launched its What If? roadshow.

This was aimed at 16 - 18 year olds in Gloucestershire and around half of young people in education in this age group attended the roadshow. Students were shown a film that related the story of two boys who had been in an accident on the local roads. The story was told through the perspective of the boys, their famllies and the emergency services. The film and the talks given at the event were deliberately hard-hitting.

We were commissioned to conduct an evaluation of What If? which we undertook using a combination of post-roadshow student surveys, telephone interviews with teachers and visits to schools 6 months after they attended to see what students were able to remember and what effect it had. There was a high level of recall of the story and central messages, and we were able to provide pointers for how this could be built on to affect the behaviour and young drivers and passengers.


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